President Bio’s China visit charts a more holistic path for China -Sierra Leone relations
From 27 February to 2 March 2024, the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Julius Maada Bio, paid a state visit to China at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping. The visit marked the first presidential African leadership visit to China of 2024. Our past research shows that the frequent, African high-level visits to […]
Development Reimagined and the UN ECA sign MOU to boost value-added trade between China and Africa
Development Reimagined (DR) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) have established a partnership that began on 22nd February 2023 after the signing of a joint MOU at the ECA office in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The purpose of the ECA and DR partnering is to leverage their networks and expertise to promote African-made […]
South Africa resumes beef exports to China – How can South Africa become a more competitive and major beef supplier to China?
At the recent BRICS summit held in South Africa, two important trade deals were agreed between the presidents of South Africa and China. Firstly, an agreement to allow South African avocados to enter the Chinese market, and secondly, the resumption of South Africa’s beef exports to China. China is the world’s largest beef importer, and […]
The Third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE) – a gimmick or serious development programme?
10th August 2023 It has been widely acknowledged that since the late 2000s, China has become an increasingly prominent development partner for many African countries and since 2008 China has been Africa’s largest bilateral trading partner (still behind the EU as a region). However, what is also the case is there is an acute trade […]
The Rising Demand for African Goods in the Chinese Market
Africa, with its rich natural resources and cultural heritage, has always been pivotal in global trade. Recently, the continent has been experiencing an uptick in its role as a major exporter, especially with the surge of African goods in the Chinese market. As China cements its place in the African trade landscape, its increasing appetite […]
The 8th Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was recently held in Dakar, Senegal, bringing together high-level officials from China and African countries to discuss cooperation in various areas, including trade facilitation. A new report by Development Reimagined analyzes the trade facilitation initiatives announced at FOCAC 8 and assesses their potential impact. The report highlights a […]
Meet the High-end African brands who are breaking the Chinese market – Monks Gin
China’s gin industry is simply unshakeable! Chinese cocktail enthusiasts are constantly seeking out new craft gin brands, and classy gin bars and even gin festivals can now be found in most major Chinese cities, such as Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. China’s alcohol market statistics indicate that revenue generated in the gin segment amounted to US$70 […]
在疫情当下,为了让更多优质的非洲企业对接中国市场,今年的“中国-非洲数字贸易周”选择在在2020年6月29日-2020年7月5日期间线上开展。特殊时期的线上数字贸易周,将覆盖建筑建材、电力能源、食品农业、家庭医疗、酒店家具、日用必需品等六大行业,应有尽有。成立以来,睿纳新国际咨询同样一直致力于推动中非经贸良性发展,帮助非洲企业在华投资及推动在华创业者获得融资。“活力非洲暨非洲企业走进中国市场”则是睿纳新国际咨询众多旗舰项目之一。 为推动中非经贸关系的可持续发展,睿纳新认为我们需要推动更多非洲企业参与中国市场,促进更多非洲货品出口中国,并为非洲企业在北京构建商贸联系。于是2019年6月24日-7月3日期间,睿纳新从50家非洲企业中筛选了主要7家公司参与“活力非洲暨非洲企业走进中国市场”活动,足迹遍布中国三大城市—北京、长沙及大连。 在北京期间,睿纳新合作伙伴—中国英国商会为7家公司代表讲解中国市场准入政策及如何进入中国市场。离开北京,项目成员前往长沙参观岳阳国际商贸城并携带产品参加中国-非洲经贸博览会。最后,项目参与方到达大连参加2019年世界经济论坛新领军者年会,共同洽谈未来中非关系及双方经贸走向。 认识一下这7家企业吧共计有10位来自7个不同非洲国家的企业代表参加了活力非洲活动。这7家公司都为非洲创造了大量工作机会,并帮助各国缓解贫困问题,睿纳新相信中国的市场可以帮助他们更快的成长。 由创始人Mahlet Afework创立,是埃塞俄比亚手工编织奢华时尚品牌,将时尚与可持续理念融合,强调传统织机上手工编织的美好。 来自坦桑尼亚的强调健康和可持续发展理念融合护肤品牌。Inua强调为客户提供一种新的奢侈品:以可负担的价格同时采用天然材料手工制作的化妆品。Inua致力于创造社会影响力并促进有意识的消费主义。 Laduma Ngxokolo于2012年创立的南非针织品牌。Laduma最初的想法是创建一个适合科萨(Xhosa)风格的现代针织服装系列,开创能彰显科萨人传统美学的高级针织衫潮流。 成立于2013年,这家来自尼日利亚的公司发展源于对易腐烂农产品(尤其是蔬菜)的保护。Julie Manny致力于提供专业,安全,卫生和保存完好的农产品,并向客户提供符合标准法规要求的产品。 来自津巴布韦的高级珠宝店,每一个系列中使用的每一颗宝石都是经过精心挑选和精心切割和抛光的,都反射出具有完美强度和活力的光线。 来自卢旺达的皮革和鞋类公司,采用可持续材料生产定做。可定制的靴子、凉鞋、皮带等。 来自加纳的可持续家居用品公司,以独特的风格,根据客户的愿景和需求为房间或空间创建独特的优质内饰。 睿纳新仍将继续努力…我们坚信,“援助”或发展合作不是非洲可持续发展的唯一答案。解决贫困和中等收入国家的经济和社会问题,需要进行贸易、投资、人员方面的结构改革。我们相信采用整体方法–着眼于发展的所有领域。援助之外,所有行动者都可以发挥什么作用?这不仅关乎政府,而且不仅仅是世界的一部分。对于非洲政府,我们认为其应倡导并向零售和消费品牌(包括中小型企业)提供更多支持,以实现各自国家出口的目标。非洲驻中国大使馆和领事馆应为正在考虑进入或已经进入中国市场的本国企业提供更多服务。实际举措可以包括为单个非洲国家在中国设立商会。 对于中国政府及商业伙伴,我们希望在获得更多的支持下可以扩大活力非洲的规模。尽管中国为鼓励中非贸易采取了越来越积极的步骤,仍可以做更多促进非洲产品进入市场。尽管诸如阿里巴巴的电子商务平台之类的计划在非洲国家正在兴起,但这也越来越需要支持一些由非洲发起并由非洲主导的倡议。 对于来自非洲的企业,我们建议公司寻求投资(风险投资或其他方式)来支持其进入中国市场。因为这并非易事,但有了正确的资金和合作伙伴关系,变革和可持续影响就会发生。 2020和睿纳新携手共赢!疫情给我们的生活带来了影响,但是睿纳新推动中非企业合作的初衷并没有因疫情而改变!今年我们很高兴地正式线上推广“活力非洲”主页(,更详细地为大家介绍我们展开的项目和合作企业。 一如既往,我们正在寻找更多样的非洲企业,希望借中国蓬勃发展的电子商务市场帮助他们更好地推广线上业务。我们还会帮你:(点击阅读原文了解更多) 构建商业伙伴关系 在华开展电子商务 市场营销和推广 市场分析 物流支持 测试市场 如果您对此感兴趣,并也想进一步了解中国市场,希望可以和睿纳新进一步合作请随时联系我们