Infographic: China’s tariff scheme for African LDC countries is now 21 years old. What next?

Two years after its own accession into the World Trade Organisation (WTO), China initiated a scheme to allow 190 products from 30 African Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to enter China duty-free.

The announcement of the scheme was made at the 2nd Forum of China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) meeting in 2003 and implemented in 2005. At the time, there were 30 African LDC beneficiary countries. By implementing this scheme, China was taking steps, alongside other countries classified as “developing,” such as Brazil, to adopt on a voluntary basis the WTO’s Duty-Free and Quota-Free Market Access (DFQFMA) for LDCs to increase their export competitiveness and promote economic growth, which was adopted in 1999.

Over time in subsequent FOCAC meetings, these commitments were ramped up and by 2018, the number of goods eligible for zero-tariff treatment was 97% and all 33 African LDCs were benefitting from the scheme. In 2021, at the latest FOCAC, China again increased the number of goods eligible for zero-tariff treatment to 98% or 8,000 products and so far, 27 out of 33 African LDCs are eligible for the treatment although the number of beneficiaries is expected to reach 33 in due course (beneficiary countries are based on two conditions: belonging to LDCs and establishing diplomatic relations with China).

China started offering duty free treatment early on into its WTO accession because African governments were calling on China to not only increase its African imports, but also reduce the trade surplus that was already growing between China and Africa, and which remains today. Added to this, Chinese tariffs are often fairly high and especially for agricultural products (a priority export for many African countries to China). This acts as a disincentive to African businesses to export to China and especially when they can export to other markets such as the US and EU – often duty free. Given China has now become the world’s biggest food importer and has the most populous consumer class globally, increasing access to Chinese is becoming increasingly appealing to African governments.

So, how successful has the LDC scheme been so far? Our infographic below explains in depth, but for now here is the synopsis.

Of the 8,000 goods that are eligible for zero tariff treatment, many are priority exports for African countries including agricultural products and agri-processed products, such as wine and roasted coffee. Other products also covered by the scheme include motor vehicles that may become higher priority exports for African countries, especially under the AfCFTA (the vehicle sector is one of four priority sectors under the AfCFTA), such as Algeria, South Africa and Morocco that are currently top motor vehicle manufacturers. On the other hand, some important exports are excluded, such as wheat, rice, cereals, sugar, cotton, wool, soybean oil and palm oil.

Starting from 2005 onwards, the 27 current beneficiary countries for 98% of exports, exported goods worth a total of US $578 billion to China of which almost 99% or US $571 billion were tariff-free goods. However, in the same period, the other 27 non-beneficiary African countries generated US$ 771 billion. So, it is not necessarily the zero-tariff scheme that boosts the volume and value of African exports to China.

Having said that, for the countries that have full and available data, many countries did see significant growth in their zero-tariff exports to China after they became beneficiaries albeit with fluctuations, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Some of these countries also saw little to no growth in their tariff exports. This indicates that offering zero-tariffs for many exports from LDCs did make a difference to trade with China.

That said, out of the 27 beneficiary African countries, only 7 have a trade surplus with China, all of whom have consistently exported primarily unprocessed oils and minerals whilst the other 20 continue to maintain trade deficits with China.

So, what next for this policy?

Certainly, China has laid a good foundation for African countries to boost and diversify their exports to China, but if this scheme is maintained as it is, more work must go into increasing the value of Africa’s exports to China to sustainably reduce Africa’s trade imbalance with China as well as continuing to remove trade barriers that limit value-added trade flows from Africa to China. Aligning the scheme with other trade pledges that might be made at the next FOCAC is therefore crucial. For instance, in 2021 Africa and China agreed a plan to export US $300 billion worth of goods to China over 3 years up to 2024, and to create “green lanes” to speed up border processing for African exports, both of which have no doubt complemented the LDC scheme. Similar pledges at the forthcoming FOCAC in September 2024 will help. For example, recognising African geographical indications such as Beninese sugarloaf pineapples, or Nigerien “Kilichi” (a type of ecological dried meat jerky) from LDCs could be a useful way to drive up the value of existing agricultural exports to China.

That said, even more ambition is possible. In particular, now that the AfCFTA is operational, two paths could be followed to boost the value of the LDC scheme from the African side in particular.

First, African governments could look at ways to trade through or together with LDCs to China, taking advantage of AfcFTA’s current rules of origin. For example, Tanzania and Kenya have both secured a SPS agreement with China for their avocados. Thus, Kenya and Tanzania could explore with Chinese partners the possibility of combining exports of their avocados to China to increase the volume and take advantage of Tanzania’s duty-free access.

Second, China could arguably extend its voluntary preferential scheme such as the LDC DFQF scheme to all other African countries, in order to recognise the AfCFTA. This would enable, for example, manufactured products from countries that currently have more industrial capacity to be exported to China, while enabling LDCs nearby to send their raw products or semi-processed products to those countries. This would enable manufacturing countries to act as “hub” countries in their regions, or indeed, for different regional “hubs” to be planned for different products.

As a new member of the WTO, China’s DFQF scheme was pioneering back in 2003. Now, as a central country to global trade, the time is now to use this scheme to lead the way in prioritising Africa.

To better understand these points, check out our graphic below.

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Special thanks go to Yujie Shi and Rugare Mukangaga for their work on the graphics and for collecting/analysing the underlying data and this accompanying article.

The data was collated primarily from a range of sources, including WITS and UNCOMTRADE.

If you spot any gaps or have any enquiries, please send your feedback to us at, and we will aim to respond ASAP.


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Trevor Lwere

Research and Coordination Analyst

Trevor Lwere is a Research and Coordination analyst at Development Reimagined with a background in Economics and Global Affairs. His interests include geopolitics, geoeconomics and economic development. He holds a Masters’ degree in Global Affairs fro Tsinghua University and a BA Economics from the University of Notre Dame.

Yujie Shi

 Policy and Research Analyst

Yuejie Shi is a Research and Data Analyst at Development Reimagined with a special focus on Global Trade and China-Africa Trade.

Sena Voncujovi

Research Analyst

Sena Voncujovi is a research and policy analyst at Development Reimagined. Voncujovi specializes in global health issues, Japan-Africa relations, and China-Africa relations. He served as the Editor-in-chief of Peking University’s Africa Think Tank (PATT) during his master’s in International Relations & Politics as a Yenching Scholar. Voncujovi previously advised the Ghanaian government for the 2019 TICAD 7 Conference held in Yokohama. He is the co-founder of Jaspora, Tokyo’s largest community of African diasporan diplomats, changemakers, professionals, students, and business people.

Rugare Mukanganga


Rugare is an economist at Development Reimagined, providing economic and data analysis support across projects.

Yixin Yu

Research Analyst

Yixin is a Junior Research Analyst and her focus areas is on public-private partnership and entrepreneurship. She has over three years of working experience in both private and public sectors in Ethiopia. She was the China Liaison Officer for project ‘Partnership for Investment and Growth in Africa’ at International Trade Centre, where she accumulated rich experience in investment and trade promotion.

Ivory Kairo

Communications Support

Ivory is a Kenyan lawyer with experience in policy research and analysis. She also supports the communications team through liaising with African brands, creating graphic content and other external outputs at AR. Ivory speaks English, Swahili and French

Huiyi Chen

Partnership Development

Huiyi Chen is a Research and Coordination Analyst on China-Africa cooperation and leading the engagement with Chinese stakeholders at Development Reimagined.

Jinyu Chen

Research Analyst | Paris, France

Jinyu is a dual-degree Master’s student at Sciences Po & Peking University.  At Africa Reimagined, Jinyu produces research to foster better mutual understanding between African clients and Chinese consumers. 


Jade Scarfe

Communications Support
Jade is a research analyst and communication support at Africa Reimagined. She supports with liaising with African brands, creating content and gathering China market research.

Yike Fu

China-Africa Policy Analyst

Yike Fu is a Policy Analyst and has been responsible for leading numerous areas of work, including on debt analysis in Africa and beyond, and China-Africa trade and investment logistics and analysis. She is the co-author of “African Debt Guide”, in which she challenged the narrative that Africa is in the midst of a new debt crisis by analysing data back to the 1970s and adopting new metrics to present the real story behind the data. She also developed a benchmark to compare the financial distribution of development partners such as the UK, US, Japan, France and China in Africa. Prior to her role at DR she worked at the International Finance Corporation and African Union Representational Mission to the US. She holds a Masters in International Affairs from George Washington University.

Rosie Wigmore

Project Manager | Beijing, PRC

Rosie is the Project Manager of Africa Reimagined (AR) at Development Reimagined (DR) where she supports high-end African brands with entering the Chinese market by operating services such as trademark protection, Chinese market research, Chinese partnership building, and Africa to China logistical support and import/export services. Rosie has worked with DR for over two years now with proven success in helping high-end African brands navigate the Chinese market. She is extremely passionate about her work because more African brands selling in the Chinese marketplace means African countries can export MORE value-added goods, create MORE jobs and foster MORE innovation in African countries.

Leah Lynch

Deputy Director | Beijing, PRC

Leah Lynch is Deputy Director of Development Reimagined (DR), and head of the China office. Leah has over 10 years of experience in development and has lived in China for over 8 years. Leah has also travelled extensively around Asia and Africa for research. Leah supports the strategic direction of the team across China, with a mission to deliver high quality research on sustainable development and poverty reduction. Leah is also Chair of the Sustainability Forum at the British Chamber of Commerce in China, providing direction on sustainability initiatives for British and Chinese business. Leah has also consulted on various evaluations on UK aid (ICAI) and is a specialist on development cooperation from the UK and China. Leah has also consulted on various UN projects, including providing support to the UN China team during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Prior to DR, Leah was at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) China, supporting the UN’s portfolio on communication strategies, China’s South- South Cooperation and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Before UNDP, Leah lived and worked in Kenya developing sustainable water policies for the Kenyan government.

Hannah Ryder

Founder and CEO 

Hannah Ryder is the Founder & CEO of Development Reimagined. A former diplomat and economist with 20 years of experience, named one of 100 most influential Africans in 2021, she is also Senior Associate for the Africa Program of the Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS), sits on the Board of the Environmental Defence Fund, and is a member of UAE’s International Advisory Council on the New Economy. Prior to her role at DR, Ms Ryder led the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)’s work with China to help it scale up and improve its cooperation with other developing countries, including in Africa. She has also played various advisory roles for the UN and OECD and co-authored the seminal Stern Review of the Economics of Climate Change in 2006.


We support our clients throughout the whole onboarding and sales process on Chinese e-commerce platforms including registration, international and China-mainland logistics, storage, payment transfers, and marketing & advertising strategies.

In addition to supporting our clients with onboarding onto e-commerce platforms or developing their own WeChat stores, we also have our own Africa Reimagined e-commerce stores for our clients to sell on.
Kiliselect on WeChat Stores: Africa Reimagined launched on Kiliselect, which is a foremost e-commerce store for premium African products in China and the Chinese branch of East Africa’s Kilimall. It houses brands from a range of sectors including food and beverage, skincare and homeware. Kiliselect is found on WeChat Stores, which gives the store access to 1.2 billion active WeChat users across China.
JD-Worldwide: Next year, Africa Reimagined will open the first ever flagship, pan-Africa e-commerce store for premium African brands on JD-Worldwide, the cross-border e-commerce platform of China’s largest retailer, It will sell exclusively luxury African brands from a range of sectors including, fashion and jewellery, food and beverage, skincare. and homeware.